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Colostrum management
The feeding of calves during the first days of life or even immediately after birth is crucial for their further development.
First milk, also known as colostrum, has a higher percentage of immunoglobulins and nutrients compared to normal cow's milk. Consequently, the new-born calf needs to take in higher quantities of the high-quality colostrum straight away.
It is recommended that a colostrum store be created with frozen colostrum. This means that there is always a stock of high-quality first milk available. If the quality of the colostrum after birth is poor (e.g. in heifers) or the amount produced is too low, frozen colostrum can be used instead.
Colostrum management - ColostroStart
The products in our ColostroStart Colostrum Management System are the best way to help you to provide your new-born calves with colostrum.
The aluminium pouches (4 litres) are easy to fill and can be pasteurised (optional), frozen and reheated without any problems.
To administer the colostrum, simply screw on the drinking teat or drencher probe.
We have put together retail sets geared towards your needs:
ColostroStartSET 10
• 10 colostrum bags
• 1 teat
• 1 drencher probe
ColostroStartSET 50
• 50 colostrum bags
• 3 teats
• 3 drencher probes
To make filling the pouches even easier, we offer you the ColostroFILLER filling tool. The optional ColostroCASE drinks trough bag keeps the first milk warm for longer, making feeding easier.
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