The logical further development of the successful model from New Zealand:
• lighter
• more efficient
• easier to maintain
Developed to make the arduous work involved with cutting hair on the tails of dairy cows easier. The removal of cow tail hair soiled with dung and urine is important for ensuring maximum hygiene of the herd, the milk and the milker. The cow tail hair should be shorn twice a year to ensure the best milk quality.
TailWell® Power Tail Trimmer fits into any battery-powered screwdriver (at last 14 Volt) that rotates at a speed of around 1,250 rpm. TailWell2® Power Tail Trimmer is quiet in operation and produces a smooth cut. It takes no more than 4 seconds per tail and can easily be carried out during the milking process.
It works on the principle of an outer blade rotating around an inner one, therefore there is no risk of injury to the animal or the operator.
Regular lubrication is important, as with any trimming device, and should be done at from every 30 trims up to a maximum of every 50 trims.
Pre-cutting the hair is not necessary even in the case of heavy soiling or crusting. 100 to 200 tails can be shorn per battery charge, depending on the level of soiling. Blade sharpening may be necessary depending on the level of soiling (after 1000 to 2000 shears) and can be done easily and problem-free even by inexperienced users with the supplied abrasive paste.
Cordless drill device not included.
Other features:
• fits virtually all battery-powered screwdrivers operating at 14 Volt, 1,250 rpm
• removes all tail hair in seconds, even hair completely matted with dung and dirt
• now even easier to sharpen with a specially developed sharpening paste
• supplied in a handy plastic case for safe storage
• includes DVD and handbook
Garanti kapsamı yalnızca üretici hatalarına karşı geçerliliğini korur. Ürünün bakım ve temizliğinin ihmal edilmesinden ya da ürüne kasıtlı olarak verilen hasarlar, yanlış kullanıma bağlı olarak meydana gelen hasarlar, uygun olmayan elektrik ve elektrik aksamından (düşük veya yüksek voltaj gibi) kaynaklanan hasarlar ve ürüne aşırı yüklenme sonucu oluşan hasarlar garanti kapsamı dışındadır.
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